09:57 Another Try

Okay, So I've decided to give this whole blogging thing another try. Who knows what will happen this time. Yes, I will write in English because I have forgotten how to write in Swedish. Well not forgotten, but it feels like I can't put together a coherent sentence. It's weird, but I think this is what happens when you have lived in the states for 14 months (soon 15) I rarely speak Swedish anymore and I hear people talk English all the time. So you just have to deal with me writing in English!
What has happened since I stopped blogging? Well A LOT of things has happened.
  • The kida have grown a lot! It's crazy! My host kids are now in 2:nd grade, kindergarten and Preschool for 4 year olds. They are getting so big.
  • Went to Florida with my host family!
  • I've started new classes at CCAC. I am now taking Photography and Ballroom Dancing (I convinced Spencer to take that class with me)
  • I've been traveling to St. Louis pretty often, but tomorrow will be the last time. Well maybe not the last time, but Spencer is moving to Pittsburgh. Which will save me MONEY! WOHO haha It gets expensive to buy tickets to fly there every month! Not that I cared though, but still.
  • Close friends to me have gone home, they have all finished their year as au pairs. Vicky is one of them. She is back in Austria studying something with politics. Miss her! Then we have Maria that moved to New Jersey. The bad thing about extending is that all of your friends will leave you....
  • I'm trying to eat healthy and lose some of those extra pounds I've managed to gain the first 6 months.... Yes it is true. It's very easy to gain weight here, but I've already lost the weight I gained and now I'm trying to lose some more ;)
  • I have become so freaking organized. I never thought I could be this organized. I guess taking care of 3 kids and keeping track of all their activites, school work and other things has helped a lot. It's funny when you realize that you know more about the kids schedule than their parents!
  • My familiy visited me for about 2 weeks in the summer. They met my host family and Spencer. They also loved Pittsburgh for som reason....

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